Vitamin D Deficiency: Causes, Common Symptoms, Health Benefits, and Research

Vitamin D Deficiency: Causes, Common Symptoms, Health Benefits, and Research :

Vitamin D deficiency in the human body causes very difficult results, including bone soreness and a feeling of muscle weakness, as well as a permanent sense of fatigue, which negatively affects mental health.

Vitamin D Deficiency: Causes, Common Symptoms, Health Benefits, and Research

Bones also become very brittle what makes their fractures easier.

Other symptoms include a persistent feeling of depression and high cholesterol.

6 Foods Make Up for Vitamin D Deficiency:

Therefore, a recent study confirmed that there are certain foods that can help in the acquisition of vitamin D necessary for the body, including:

1/ Salmon:

  • This type of fish is a key source of vitamin D.
  • It strengthens bones, improves brain functioning, and acts as an antidepressant and improves memory.

2/ Eggs:

  • Eating eggs at least twice a week and never give up yolk is an ideal source of vitamin D, it regulates the nervous system and blood vessels, and improves hair growth.

3/ The milk:

  • Milk and all kinds of cheese and dairy are rich in vitamin D and easily absorbed by bones.
  • The best way to get vitamin D lies in exposure to the sun because it helps the body to absorb calcium and the rest of the necessary vitamins.

4/ Dairy products:

  • Dairy products are also rich in vitamin D, and a cup of yogurt a day provides you with your daily needs of that vital vitamin.

5/ Whale liver oil:

  • Whale liver oil is rich in vitamin D, and in the early 20th century, scientists discovered that whale liver oil helps to prevent rickets, which was plaguing children at the time, due to a lack of vitamin D in the body.
  • Bones cause weakness and softness.
  • Whale liver oil is also rich in vitamin A.

6/ Sunlight:

  • The main source of vitamin D is sunlight, as the body absorbs 90% of its vitamin D needs through the skin during exposure to sunlight, according to nutritionists.
  • But it is important to be exposed to the sun either before 11 am or after 4 pm, in order to avoid the impact of harmful rays on the skin.

Vitamin D Deficiency: Causes, Common Symptoms, Health Benefits, and Research

Learn about the top 7 benefits of vitamin D:

Vitamin D plays a vital role in the various functions of the body, so maintaining adequate body intake is imperative to prevent diseases.

Although many know that the main source of this vital vitamin is sunlight, as it is found in some food items such as tuna, salmon, cheese, eggs, and others, they think that its benefit is limited to bone health only because it helps to absorb calcium in the body.

Health benefits characterized by vitamin D, as follows:

1. Strengthen the bones:

Vitamin D deficiency leads to osteoporosis due to its active role in helping the body absorb calcium and stabilize it in the bones to give it the required strength.

2. Prevention of cancer:

Studies have found that people with adequate vitamin D are less likely to develop different types of cancer.

3. Prevention of Multiple Sclerosis:

Some studies have concluded that maintaining a daily dose of vitamin D can prevent multiple sclerosis, a neurological disease. This vital vitamin can also reduce the painful symptoms of the disease.

4. Prevention of infection:

Vitamin D is characterized by its ability to combat bacteria causing viral infections, influenza, etc. People who give their bodies the right amount are less likely to develop these types of infections.

5. prevention of heart disease:

Getting enough vitamin D reduces your chances of developing cardiovascular disease.

6. Combating depression:

Numerous studies have found a strong relationship between low vitamin D levels and depression, assuring that ensuring an adequate level of vitamin D plays an effective role in getting rid of depression or not being exposed at all.

7. Prevention of diabetes 2:

Studies have found that people with vitamin D deficiency are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, so maintaining an appropriate level of this vital vitamin reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Treatment of this vitamin D deficiency protects against lung diseases

  • Vitamin D supplements reduce the risk of potentially fatal lung disease in some patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), new research suggests.
  • The results of the study add a new benefit to the long list of health benefits offered by the dietary supplement, known as (sun vitamin).
  • While most of the previous studies are known to link vitamin D to bone health, the team at Queen Mary University has revealed a new role in preventing cold, flu and asthma attacks.
  • The study was based on data analysis of 469 patients through 3 clinical trials in Britain, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
  • The results of the study reported that the use of vitamin D supplements resulted in a 45% decrease in lung attacks among COPD patients who were deficient in vitamin D, but showed no effects on patients with higher levels of vitamin D.
  • Almost all deaths from the obstructive pulmonary disease occur as a result of acute worsening of symptoms, often initiated by viral upper respiratory tract infections, the type that causes the common cold.
  • The findings of the new study are important because COPD involves a number of cases of lung disease, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
  • COPD, a lung embolism, affects more than 170 million people worldwide and caused an estimated 3.2 million deaths in 2015.
  • Health and nutrition experts in England recommend taking 10 micrograms, equivalent to 400 IU, of vitamin D per day, to prevent vitamin D deficiency and to protect against complications.
Skander Ovich
By : Skander Ovich
Hello, my name is Skander, I am 30 years old and I started blogging since 2015, and I like to publish useful information for the benefit of others.