2 Week Diet Plan a New Way To Lose Weight & Exercise Plan

2 Week Diet Plan a New Way To Lose Weight & Exercise Plan:

A new study has confirmed that the best way to lose weight in those who lack the iron will is to adhere to a diet for two weeks, followed by a rest for two weeks, while it can be called an interrupted or non-continuous diet.

2 Week Diet Plan a New Way To Lose Weight & Exercise Plan

Those who want to lose weight are obsessed with the will, as it is an essential element for the success of the diet to continue to lose weight, and thus allows the rest period to continue the diet.

Their weight loss results are better than a one-week diet followed by a rest week.

Diet Plan a New Way To Lose Weight And To fight obesity:

According to the study, this approach prevents the body from finding alternatives to compensate for the lack of calories, thus ensuring a continuous and continuous weight loss.

The researcher for health and sports in Queensland, the case of 36 obese men tried to lose weight, as it turned out that the group, which committed to a diet for 16 weeks in a row fell calories by about a third.

The other group, which followed a diet for 14 days in a row, followed by a two-week break, and so on for 30 weeks, including 16 weeks of the diet, just like the first group, achieved a reduction in calories by up to 55%, according to the International Conference. To fight obesity.

The researcher says the disconnected or discontinued diet team did better because their bodies did not turn into the energy-saving mode of life, which is provoked by the ongoing diet and pushes the body to take defensive mechanics.

Explanations about this Diet For Lose Weight:

  • The other group's weight loss cannot be explained by their continued diet, given the similarity of the time spent by the two groups on the diet.
  • It also explains that the rate of metabolism during rest periods, the amount of energy used by the body to carry out its vital processes, decreased in men with interrupted or non-continuous diet, which helped them to prevent the re-weight loss.
  • The body usually uses tactics to compensate for lost weight such as increased appetite.
  • Its diet is doable and suitable for many and does not have the severity of other diets, as it contains a lot of foods that can be eaten at rest.
  • But there are objections to the two-week diet, and a dietitian says there are difficulties in being able to continue the diet after a two-week break.
  • She warned that many Britons were suffering from a lack of vital vitamins, salts such as iron, calcium and vitamin D, and a diet that could make matters worse.
  • She said human beings need to develop good eating habits that they can continue to follow for years to come, and advised to reduce chocolate and alcohol.
  • A survey last year found that those who want to reduce weight often consume more than half of their calories on the two days of holiday and that the daily routine helps them to control the amounts of food.


* Here you can get an idea of what you can do about your diet
Good luck to you
Skander Ovich
By : Skander Ovich
Hello, my name is Skander, I am 30 years old and I started blogging since 2015, and I like to publish useful information for the benefit of others.