Best Ways to Maintain Weight Loss After a Diet

Ways to Maintain Weight Loss After a Diet:

Despite growing concern over the spread of obesity among the American people, it is surprising that most people who follow a diet are successful in reducing their weight, but few of them can maintain this new acquisition.

Best Ways to Maintain Weight Loss After a diet

1.Weight It Needs Training Before It Is Reduced:

  • Many weight loss programs have proven effective in helping overweight and obese people get rid of some kilos of weight, but keeping this result is another.
  • It has been shown after the reports that overweight people quickly abandon the healthy habits they gained from the weight loss regimen to return to gain 30 to 50% of the weight they lost within one year of weight loss, even if they participated in a program to maintain weight after Follow the diet.

2. Maintain a healthy weight by following stamina skills first:

  • Weight maintenance needs to be trained, and the researcher assumed in this study that people who have lost weight will keep this gain better if they exercise it before embarking on the weight-loss diet.
  • This hypothesis is based on the social cognitive theory that a person's sense of confidence in his ability to do something actually helps him to accomplish it.
  • In this study, the researchers selected more than 260 overweight or obese women and were randomized into two groups.
  • Both groups participated in a six-month course that included a weight loss program and a program to maintain weight stability after decreasing.
  • In the first group, which began to lose weight, women participated in a program of 20-week weight-loss behaviors followed by a program to solve the problem of maintaining weight for eight weeks.
  • The program included the obstacles women face the following year to lose weight.
  • In the second group, which began a program to learn how to maintain the new weight, the women participated in the sample in the program of weight maintenance skills stable for eight weeks did not ask women to try to lose weight.
  • In this program, women were asked to improve their eating behavior, such as full vigilance of the taste and smell of food, or to learn to leave a small amount of food left in the dish to get rid of the idea that you either follow a diet or not.
  • Then this group of women participated in the weight loss program for 20 weeks.
  • Both groups shed 16 pounds on average over the six months.
  • But a year later, the women in the first group gained about seven pounds on average, compared with just 3 pounds among the women in the second group.
  • The reason for the abusers' opinion is that the feeling of self-confidence and possession of weight gain in the women of the second group.

Ways to Maintain Weight Loss After a diet

Other tips to keep weight:

  1. Exercise for about 60 minutes, typically walking.
  2. Keep a food log.
  3. Eat breakfast every day.
  4. Eat more fiber and less unhealthy fat.
  5. Watch less television.
  6. Keeping the Weight Off.
  7. Stay physically active.
Skander Ovich
By : Skander Ovich
Hello, my name is Skander, I am 30 years old and I started blogging since 2015, and I like to publish useful information for the benefit of others.